Creating Value for Customer Satisfaction
in Factory Maintenance , Repair & Operation
PT Adika Safetama Tunggal serve as Engineering and Trading Company covering Maintenance, Repairment and Operation particularly to support Manufacturing, Mining/Oilfield, Building Management and Banking Industry
Initially established in 2013 by group of Technician expert for ATM equipment, backed by our dedication and professionalism , we successfully gained reputation and satisfaction to more and more customer from many Industrial Sector.
Documentary Supply & Installation Job at Cikarang
Jababeka by PT Adika Safetama Tunggal
Legal Entity
Bank Negara Indonesia ( BNI 46 ) Cabang Ciledug
Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto Blok D No. 31, Pertokoan Anugerah, Ciledug, Tangerang
Rek No 0466938140
Account Holder : PT Adika Safetama Tunggal
NPWP No 70.695.988.9-416.000
Workshop & Office :
Gedung Solo Jl Sektor XIII RT 04/10 Ciledug Tangerang 15151
Project Office : Jln Swadaya V no.70 Duren Sawit Jakarta 13440
Contact Person : Ir. Junianto Yuristiono, ST.,IPM
Business Development Manager
Hamid Masulianto, M.Si ( Director )
We Only Deliver Original & New Item
And Many Other Prestigious Brand ....
Your Satisfaction is
Our Purpose
Contact Person : Ir. Junianto Yuristiono, ST.,IPM
WA /phone 0816-809-759
Email :