Creating Value for Customer Satisfaction

in Factory Maintenance , Repair & Operation

Blue Gradient Background

PT Adika Safetama Tunggal serve as Engineering and Trading Company covering Maintenance, Repairment and Operation particularly to support Manufacturing, Mining/Oilfield, Building Management and Banking Industry

Initially established in 2013 by group of Technician expert for ATM equipment, backed by our dedication and professionalism , we successfully gained reputation and satisfaction to more and more customer from many Industrial Sector.

Gradient that fades to transparency

Documentary Supply & Installation Job at Cikarang

Jababeka by PT Adika Safetama Tunggal

Legal Entity

Bank Negara Indonesia ( BNI 46 ) Cabang Ciledug

Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto Blok D No. 31, Pertokoan Anugerah, Ciledug, Tangerang

Rek No 0466938140

Account Holder : PT Adika Safetama Tunggal

NPWP No 70.695.988.9-416.000

Workshop & Office :

Gedung Solo Jl Sektor XIII RT 04/10 Ciledug Tangerang 15151

Project Office : Jln Swadaya V no.70 Duren Sawit Jakarta 13440

Contact Person : Ir. Junianto Yuristiono, ST.,IPM

Business Development Manager

Hamid Masulianto, M.Si ( Director )

Pink Lime Green Gradient Overlay Illustration
Robots in a Car Plant
Assorted-color Laser Lights


We Only Deliver Original & New Item

And Many Other Prestigious Brand ....

Gradient that fades to transparency
Gradient that fades to transparency
Pink Lime Green Gradient Overlay Illustration

Your Satisfaction is

Our Purpose

Contact Person : Ir. Junianto Yuristiono, ST.,IPM

WA /phone 0816-809-759


Email :

A Warehouse with Yellow and Blue Metal Equipment